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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Can you feel the LOVE?

    Love... Can you feel it? Its everywhere. Literally, everywhere. In my dining room I can count the word love 3 times. But in my life, I know I need the constant reminder that I am loved, I need to show love, and I need to be open to receive it.
     In February, I have been way more on top of my goal, House to a Home, than I was last month. Hey, its only the 4th right? and I am already blogging. Goal Accomplished! I feel like I have been crafting and creating non-stop. When my little one is napping I have three options: A. shower, B. do my wifely duties- such as cleaning the house, doing the dishes, folding the laundry, ect., or C. work on a project. Unfortunately for my family, option C would win 98% of the time. My poor hubby is so patient with me and and my hygiene (or lack thereof), the house being a wreck, and him having to rummage through the clean clothes in the hamper to find his socks. He seriously is the greatest and I'm so grateful to have him.
     Well let's get down to business, shall we? The dining room make-over was so much more fun for me than Hadlee's room. Don't tell her that. I just felt like this was more my style and I did projects that have been sitting in my craft stuff for over a year. Yes, I said it, a YEAR! First off, Chris and I finally upgraded from our 4 person, counter height table with stools, to an "adult" table. An "adult" table that can fit SIX people. That means you all are invited over for dinner!  We got a steal of a deal and I am so excited and happy. Here she is...the beauty.
I only keep 4 chairs at the table, so it doesn't seem overly crowded.
There are still plans for making a table runner and center piece.
I'm thinking something along the lines of this or even this. Opinions?

     For the decor I was going for a rustic, farm-house feel. 
I'm not sure if I nailed it or not, but this is what I have done.
Love #1

Love #2

The wreath is one of the projects that has been sitting in my craft stuff for over a year. I found this tutorial about 2 1/2 years ago and only finished the Halloween and Thanksgiving attachments. Glad I finally got around to finishing this!
The Love #1 sign is one that I found here on Pinterest. I obviously didn't use the pallet. I just had this one piece of wood lying around from a previous project, and it turned out fine!
The Love #2 is a saying I found on Pinterest (bless Pinterest) and I just use my cricut to cut vinyl and then I painted over it and pulled off the vinyl. I used some stain to make it look a little more rustic, if you will.
The fabric flower bouquet is just something I thought would compliment the farm-house theme of the room. I just followed some fabric flower tutorials (there a million) and put it together using my glue gun. I also stained a little around the edges for the same kind of look.

Chris got me this set of 14 frames for Christmas last year. It fit perfectly on the back wall. That upside down piece of paper is marking the spot for my last frame. I just haven't decided what picture I want to use. The one I printed out, just didn't look good. 

With the help of my amazingly talented sister, Brittanie, and my handy dad, we built this table. I love my table. It is still missing the handles on the mock drawers that I will eventually get around to putting on. 
(baby steps, right?)
On top of the table I have Love #3. I actually got this idea from one of our RS teachers. She brought something similar in for a display while she taught her lesson. I thought, I can totally make that. So I did. 
Just measure and cut a 2X4. Paint it brown. Cut out the letters, using my cricut. Sand the blocks and modpodged the letters on. Easy peasy.

I saw these cuties on Pinterest. Only one of the is an actual Mason jar. The other two are just jars that have had the label taken off of them and washed out. I think they turned out just as cute. 
They actually hold the flowers a little bit better than the mason jar. Just a little FYI.

I made this letter 'M' following this tutorial. She used a cereal box and yarn and I used an old huggies box I had. But I would suggest using a cereal box if you have one. It would have been much easier to manipulate and cut. I also used twine to wrap mine in, instead of yarn. 

Along with the frames, these 2 things are the only things that were bought. I got the sign at 
Hobby Lobby for $2.50 and the balls for $10 at Walmart.

I found this old piece of wood out in our back field when we first moved in. It sat there for a couple of days, so I decided to take it. Hopefully nobody came back looking for it. :) So I have had this piece of wood sitting around in our back yard for 2 years!! I figured it would go along nicely with the theme of the room. I added the heart banner and viola! I got the idea for the heart banner from this blog post. Hers was for Valentine's Day, but I loved it for everyday. 
I used fabric instead of felt and sewed mine on instead of hot gluing them.

a full few of the bottom of the table
a view of the top. That frame will also have a picture, eventually :)
and here's a few of the whole set up.

     I think its appropriate that Love is everywhere in my dining room, because I LOVE the way it turned out.
Next up... The living room. And for the love of my family and everyone else I come in contact with, I'll try and shower this month. :)

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